Reiki 1 Energy Course

You were born to shine, its time to reconnect to your true essence”

Reiki Level 1

REIKI is a Japanese word that means UNSEEN LIFE FORCE ENERGY


Have you forgotten that



You entered this world as a beautiful soul whose essence is pure love, a bright shining being.

Throughout childhood we begin to absorb so much, including beliefs from others, conditioning, trauma and cultural issues. Even ancestral issues can come to light!

Its like “dark heavy clothes” start to cover the true you, layer by layer dimming your light and weighing you down. Slowly we start to disconnect or forget who we really are. Daily stresses and struggles add to this and we no longer feel spacious, calm or in control.

What if I told you there is a beautiful technique called Reiki that can begin to support and reconnect you to the true you, to release the layers of (dis)stress.

Who is Reiki for?

Reiki is for anyone who wants access to a gentle, yet powerful technique to support themselves, their family and friends or their clients. A technique that when applied can activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Using the principles on specific issues can also allow further calmness and clarity to come through.

Level 1 focuses on personal growth and self healing. During Level 2 you will explore and learn more advance techniques. You will be introduced to three of the four symbols and learn how to share distant healing which is invaluable.

On completion of Level 2 your certification allows you to practice professionally.


Real life practice

Learn how to confidently conduct a Reiki self-treatment and how to share Reiki with family and friends too.

Mini Retreat

You will feel like you are on a mini retreat. Receiving attunements. Sharing Reiki, meditating and learning the principles in Japanese. Taking valuable time out for you whilst learning how to deepen your skills after the event.


Learn simple, yet powerful step by step meditations integrating the breath and Reiki.


Creating a safe environment is really important to me. A space where you can be yourself and ask questions without feeling judged.

Bonus Private Support Group

You will have access to a private support group.

Free manual

You will receive a step by step manual including the images for the self-treatment hand positions and the foundational treatment hand positions.

Bonus Integration tips

As an accredited EFT Trainer, I will share how to integrate Reiki with some of  the EFT Tapping points for greater results!

Reiki 1 Course

Level 1  – A two day course

  • How to “tune into” Reiki
  • The Reiki History
  • What is healing
  • What is energy
  • 4 Attunements
  • The 21 day clearing process
  • Chakra System
  • Energy cleansing techniques
  • The 12 hand positions
  • How to conduct a Reiki self-treatment
  • How to give a Reiki treatment to friends & family
  • Treating pets and animals
  • Treating plants and inanimate objects
  • Simple steps to meditate
  • The Reiki principles
  • Using Reiki in daily life
  • Science of Reiki


I bring a wealth of experience to the course as a certified teacher in both the Western lineage and the traditional Japanese lineage.

In addition to this I have over 25 years experience coaching clients using other energy techniques and Reiki.

Reiki 1 Course

Level 1 is a 2 day course, you will learn :

  • How to “tune into” Reiki
  • The Reiki History
  • What is healing
  • What is energy
  • 4 Attunements
  • The 21 day clearing process
  • Chakra System
  • Energy cleansing techniques
  • The 12 hand positions
  • How to conduct a Reiki self treatment
  • How to give a Reiki treatment to friends & family
  • Treating pets, animals
  • Treating plants and inanimate objects
  • Simple steps to meditate
  • The Reiki Principles
  • Using Reiki in daily life
  • Science of Reiki


I bring a wealth of experience to the course as a certified teacher in both the “Western lineage” and the traditional Japanese lineage.

In addition to this I have over 25 years experience coaching clients using other energy techniques and Reiki.

Reiki Level 1: Sat 12th & 13th Oct 2024 each day 10am- 5.15pm UK time


I have heard something is given to me during an attunement is that true?

Nothing foreign is given to you. An attunement in simple terms is where the teacher connects to Reiki and shares this with you. This allows you to tune into and connect deeper to the universal energy that already exists within you.

What are the steps to practice professionally as a Reiki Practitioner?

Level 1 focuses on personal growth and self healing. In Level 2 you will be introduced to three of the four symbols and explore more advance techniques. You will also learn how to share distant healing.

On completion of  Level 2 your certification allows you to practice professionally.

I am already a therapist, can I use Reiki with my current modalities?

Absolutely you can. Which ever modality of therapy you practice in, Reiki can be integrated within the sessions as and when your client needs.

As a practitioner I integrate them with my sessions and its hugely powerful.

There’s a great power in sharing reiki with yourself prior to working with your clients.  

I am thinking of joining but my health is good, would I still benefit?

Wonderful to hear your health is good. I always say don’t wait until your unwell to practice or learn something that can elevate your wellbeing.

Life can send curveballs when you least expect, a techique like Reiki can really support bring your mind and body back to calmness.

Is there proof that it works?

Yes there is scientific evidence and trials supporting the effectiveness of Reiki, reducing pain, anxiety and depression. 

Is it true that you can send Reiki to someone who is miles away from you? Does this still work?

Yes it is absolutely true, you learn how to do this with me during Level 2. It’s just as powerful as sharing Reiki in person. I have had clients report a huge difference in their wellbeing who have been over 100 miles away and even in another country!

Everything is energy and we are all connected.

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