Hello I'm Jas
I’m passionate about empowering you with powerful wellbeing techniques you can use on yourself and your loved ones. With compassion and kindness at the core of my business I create a safe space for you to achieve amazing results.How do we attract physical or emotional disease, fears and limiting beliefs? Read on to learn my story, how I and many of us become unwell and how I can support you to become free and the best version of yourself.

My Story
I considered myself to be someone who had a positive outlook on life, I loved my job as a senior manager and bringing up my beautiful children was a joy. I exercised, practised mindfulness and in the main ate healthy. However, one morning I woke up feeling off balance, this was the beginning of my journey to a diagnosis of ME. After a battery of tests from the medical profession I was told there was nothing they could do for me, to go home and rest – a very challenging few years followed! I had no idea at the time how this had happened. I was completely exhausted with no light in sight.
I had personally mastered how to show up as having it all handled, this wasn’t a conscious decision it had become a way of life that I had learnt over the years, almost a survival technique. I soon came to realise how I had suppressed emotions from past events and how they can lead to physical and emotional dis-ease.
Through this experience I have learnt so much about how my own limiting beliefs impacted on how I interacted with life and consequently impacted my health.
I can honestly say if it wasn’t for the tools, I now use to coach my clients with, including EFT, The Journey techniques & Energy healing, my life would have been very different.
I feel younger, happier and healthier than I did 20 years ago.
Falling Down – How did I get here?
Many factors can result in you having emotional or physical distress including unresolved past events, buried emotions, limiting beliefs, mindset, diet and nutrition. From a young age and through our life experiences we can take on positive or negative beliefs about ourselves.
These beliefs become like our internal computer programming, we begin to live and act from them. When you operate from these limiting beliefs it can often lead to emotional overload, stress and anxiety, sometimes manifesting in other ways detrimental to your health. I can help you release your limiting beliefs and emotions from unresolved events.
Empowering you with new ways of being so you can start living from the best version of you. Sounds simple? It really is, it just starts with a decision to move forward.

Falling Down – How did I get here?
Many factors can result in you having emotional or physical distress including unresolved past events, buried emotions, limiting beliefs, mindset, diet and nutrition. From a young age and through our life experiences we can take on positive or negative beliefs about ourselves.
These beliefs become like our internal computer programming, we begin to live and act from them. When you operate from these limiting beliefs it can often lead to emotional overload, stress and anxiety, sometimes manifesting in other ways detrimental to your health. I can help you release your limiting beliefs and emotions from unresolved events.
Empowering you with new ways of being so you can start living from the best version of you. Sounds simple? It really is, it just starts with a decision to move forward.

How can I support you?
I work in partnership with my clients, creating a safe space with compassion and empathy to help you explore your challenges, with no judgment, just kind support.
Coupled with my previous coaching experience as a senior manager I combine various techniques to help you create powerful transformations, including; EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Reiki Energy Healing, Matrix Re-imprinting and The Journey. My clients often say you get the benefit of these powerful techniques in one session.
I have over 25 years’ experience coaching clients to achieve their full potential and a passion to help you discover and clear the root cause of your issue to allow you to create abundance in your life.
As an Accredited EFT Master Trainer & Reiki Master Teacher, I empower my clients with these transformational tools during workshops and training events. If you wish to learn more, you leave with techniques that you can use on yourself, family and friends or go on to become an accredited practitioner. Click below for more details.
Working in partnership with:
Champneys Henlow: I deliver specialist talks during the month, come and join me in the boardroom during your visit.